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Your Portal to Epic Narratives

Create captivating stories, iconic characters, and legendary universes for the world to witness


Mugafi leads the way!

Building a library of high-quality
Stories, Novels & Screenplays

Building a library of high quality Stories, Novels & Screenplays

500+ IP’s

Bhanshali Films Stage Productions Chaupal Media Partner Image 4 Partner Image 5 Partner Image 6 Partner Image 7 Partner Image 8
Bhanshali Films Stage Productions Chaupal Media Partner Image 4 Partner Image 5 Partner Image 6 Partner Image 7 Partner Image 8
Bhanshali Films Stage Productions Chaupal Media Partner Image 4 Partner Image 5 Partner Image 6 Partner Image 7 Partner Image 8
Bhanshali Films Stage Productions Chaupal Media Partner Image 4 Partner Image 5 Partner Image 6 Partner Image 7 Partner Image 8
Bhanshali Films Stage Productions Chaupal Media Partner Image 4 Partner Image 5 Partner Image 6 Partner Image 7 Partner Image 8
Bhanshali Films Stage Productions Chaupal Media Partner Image 4 Partner Image 5 Partner Image 6 Partner Image 7 Partner Image 8
Bhanshali Films Stage Productions Chaupal Media Partner Image 4 Partner Image 5 Partner Image 6 Partner Image 7 Partner Image 8
Bhanshali Films Stage Productions Chaupal Media Partner Image 4 Partner Image 5 Partner Image 6 Partner Image 7 Partner Image 8
Bhanshali Films Stage Productions Chaupal Media Partner Image 4 Partner Image 5 Partner Image 6 Partner Image 7 Partner Image 8
Bhanshali Films Stage Productions Chaupal Media Partner Image 4 Partner Image 5 Partner Image 6 Partner Image 7 Partner Image 8
Bhanshali Films Stage Productions Chaupal Media Partner Image 4 Partner Image 5 Partner Image 6 Partner Image 7 Partner Image 8
Bhanshali Films Stage Productions Chaupal Media Partner Image 4 Partner Image 5 Partner Image 6 Partner Image 7 Partner Image 8

Studios around the world license amazing IPs from Mugafi

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Introducing VED

Your ultimate co-pilot for turning your imagination into pitch-perfect stories.

You focus on creative thinking while VED does the rest. It’s almost magic!

Witness the
transformative powers
of our VED tool  

Your Dynamic Copilot

Transform your writing instantly with Ved, rewriting scenes, expanding dialogues, and more as if by magic.

Precision Quality Checks

Ensure script readiness with our advanced algorithms processing millions of data points, and delivering top-quality scores for pitch-perfect narratives.

Collaborate with ease

Experience seamless teamwork, with built-in collaboration tools, sharing real-time feedback to enhance your co-writing journey.

Industry Standard Formatting

Format your content flawlessly with easy-to-use customisable shortcuts, ensuring it's production-house-ready and free from rejection.

And More...

Explore deeply with
smart research

Uncover your story's full potential with effortless on-the-go research, intelligent suggestions, and personalized recommendations, refining your work & overcoming writer’s block.

Smart File

End the struggle of finding and storing relevant files; create multiple drafts under a single project while seamlessly switching between multiple projects.

Easy Import from
final draft

Unlock swift creative beginnings with our easy import and export feature, allowing you to start and share your script quickly.


Refine & enhance your script with personalized, constructive & detailed feedback from our team of seasoned writers, making your stories pitch-ready.

Abilities Section
Product Screenshot
current ability

Explore deeply with
smart research

Uncover your story's full potential with effortless on-the-go research, intelligent suggestions, and personalized recommendations, refining your work & overcoming writer’s block.

Smart File

End the struggle of finding and storing relevant files; create multiple drafts under a single project while seamlessly switching between multiple projects.

Easy Import & Export

Unlock swift creative beginnings with our easy import and export feature, allowing you to start and share your script quickly.


Refine & enhance your script with personalized, constructive & detailed feedback from our team of seasoned writers, making your stories pitch-ready.

Next Cinematic

will come out of Mugafi

Next Cinematic Sensation

Next Cinematic

will come out of Mugafi

Craft epic universes and legendary characters with us —let's build the next cult classic together!

Craft unique stories and
characters with us — let's build
the next Marvel together!

Next Cinematic Sensation
will come out of Mugafi

Craft epic universes and legendary characters with us —let's build the next cult classic together!

Start Creating

Craft unique stories and characters with us—let's build the next Marvel together!

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As seen at

Other Media Mentions

Best social copy award

May 2022・Mad over Marketing (aka: MOM)

Best social copy award

May 2022・Mad over Marketing (aka: MOM)

Best social copy award

May 2022・Mad over Marketing (aka: MOM)

Best social copy award

May 2022・Mad over Marketing (aka: MOM)

Are you a Production House looking to license our scripts? Let's partner up

Are you a Production
House looking to
license our scripts? Let's partner up

Join our elite list of more than 50 production houses, OTT platforms, audio-story platforms and other media companies to build the next blockbuster!

Join our elite list of more than 50 production houses, OTT platforms, audio-story platforms and other media companies to build the next blockbuster!

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Investors who backed us

Investors who
backed us

People who trust us

“Very easy to use and set up is simple. I can easily provide live support to my website visitors in real-time. It also provides many integrations.”

Kristin Watson

UX Designer at Google

“I really like that I can have all in one place: I can send emails and text messages, I can have live chat, show pop-ups and push notifications on my website and create dynamic page content”

Robert Fox

Founder at

“I really like that I can have all in one place: I can send emails and text messages, I can have live chat, show pop-ups and push notifications on my website and create dynamic page content”

Jenny Wilson

Project Manager at Microsoft

Start creating now

Get started on Ved and witness how it accelerates your writing process for short stories, novels, and screenplays.

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